Otto E. Benavides is an Emeritus Associate Professor and Past Director of the Instructional Technology and Resource Center and the NASA Educator and Resource Center at the Kremen School of Education and Human Development at California State University, Fresno. Previously, Professor Benavides worked at Memphis State University as Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Media Center at the College of Education. Before taking the job at Memphis State he was Assistant Director of the Media Center at Shelby State Community College in Memphis. At Selby State he created numerous educational videos, taught video production, photography and curriculum for instruction and French classes. While working at the College of Education at MSU, he developed plans to build a technology structure for the College. However, when his supervisor left, he was longer supported his plan. His supervisor and Associate Dean became the Dean at the School of Education and Human Development at Fresno State. Dean Burch invited Otto to apply for a job as Assistant Professor. A search committee selected Otto. He became the lead person to design the technology for the School of Education building. This appointment gave Otto the opportunity to implement his technology design ideas in Fresno rather than Memphis. Upon completion, the School of Education building became a model of technological design for education. The new building completed in 1994 had a comprehensive data network, several “computer classrooms,” satellite communications, various computer servers, a TV studio and many of the modern technologies that later became common in education and business. Professor Benavides was appointed as Director of the Instructional Technology and Resource Center and the NASA Educator Resource Center. He insisted on making a major effort to provide inservice opportunities for the faculty to model student centered instruction. He provided technology support for faculty, staff and students. He contributed to research in the field produced and supported the creation of exceptional videos for instruction. As director and professor he taught a variety of courses integrating technology in instruction and led workshops for faculty, college students and children. He established and supported NASA workshops for teachers and children. He was elected Senator to the California State University Academic Senate. He was a Senator for 12 years and contributed to many projects as a member of special committees and task forces. Steve Jobs nominated Otto Benavides for the design and use of the building to the Computer World Awards Program at the Smithsonian Institution where he was recognized as a Laureate in 2001. Otto is an Apple Distinguished Educator and Adobe Education Leader.