Proposals in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, written in English, are invited for presentation during the ICEM 2024 Conference.

Submission link:
May 3, 2024: Submission deadline for all types of contributions
The ICEM 2024 Conference aims to be a place for sharing and discussing practices, projects and research on pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, with the following objectives:
- Disseminate practices and innovation projects related to educational media, educational technology, technology enhanced learning and AI in education;
- Contribute to the reflection on curricular flexibility, autonomy and pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology, technology enhanced learning and AI in education;
- Promote critical reflection about educational strategies oriented towards interdisciplinarity in the field of educational media, educational technology, technology enhanced learning and AI in education;
- Understand the potential of digital tools and innovative educational environments for the development of educational media, educational technology, technology enhanced learning and AI in education.
THEMATIC TRACKS and areas (but not limited to):
Tech Awakening of Intelligence in Education (AIEDUTECH). [Main Track]
Technology Enhanced Learning. Artificial Intelligence integration in education. Cybersecurity in education. Impact of IoT, Blockchain, and Robotics on Education. Online and Mobile Learning and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning. 3D Fabrication for Learning. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Education and Training. Virtual Worlds, Gamification and Serious Games in the Classroom. Deep learning and education. Learning and computational thinking.
Innovation and Assessment in Digital Education (INEDU).
Learning and Skills for the Digital Era. Educational Media and Media and Information Literacy. Digital competence modelling and assessment. Learning Ecosystems and Learning Design. Educational Media and Learning Analytics. STEAM education. Gender and education. Innovation and Digital Education. Technology Enhanced Learning and Assessment in Mathematics. Data-informed Management of Educational Innovations.
Communication, Education, Children and Youth Audiences (COMEDU).
Communication and Education, children and youth audiences facing the opportunities and threats of algorithms and artificial intelligence. Audiovisual creation and production for children and young audiences. Media processes and effects, communication and education, analysis of media messages, and consumption and use of media oriented to children and young people. Study and empirical analysis of the contents, uses, processes and effects of media communication: press, television, radio, cinema, information technologies, and new interactive media (social networks, IA, video games, etc.) aimed at children and young people.
Fintech, Digital Entrepreneurship Education and Media (EDUFINTECH).
Fintech, Education & Media: Transformative potential of Fintech on Financial Inclusion, Financial Education & Financial Health. Fintech in Education Curricula. Digital Entrepreneurship Education. Innovative technologies in entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship and management education. Curriculum development for technology-based entrepreneurship education. Research frontier in entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education for university-industry technology transfer. Value creation in entrepreneurship education. Enterprise educators’ mindset for innovation in teaching methodologies. Digital Business Education.
Open Science and Education (OPENEDU).
Open Science and Open Educational Resources. Social Computing, social networks, and collaborative platforms. Learning and Collaborative Technologies. Open Access Publishing. Open Data and Data Sharing Practices in Education. Collaborative Research and Innovation Networks. Transparency and Reproducibility in Educational Research. Building Open Science Communities. Open Science and Interdisciplinary Education: Fostering collaboration across disciplines for innovative teaching and research.
Smart Cities and Education (SMARTEDU).
Smart Cities as (inclusive and sustainable) learning environment. Innovative and Inclusive Educational Approaches and Environments. Assistive technology as inclusive technology in education. Smart Learning Environments and Smart Cities. Urban Planning and Educational Infrastructure. Environmental Sustainability Education in Smart Cities. Data-driven Decision Making in Education: Utilizing smart city data analytics to inform educational policies and practices. Digital Literacy and Skills Development for Smart City Living. Smart Infrastructure for Educational Innovation: Implementing IoT, AI, and other technologies to enhance teaching and learning experiences in smart cities. Technology-based social innovation.
How tech can bring us back to nature (NATURTECH).
Emerging technologies and Environmental Education. Technologies that inspire kids to play outside. Apps designed for outdoor adventures. Educational technologies for all ages to connect with nature. Technologies that can bring us closer to nature. Technological natural connections. Can Technology Help Deepen our Connection to Nature? Is technology changing our relationship with nature?
There are five different submission categories for the ICEM 2024 conference:
- Full Papers, divided into two subcategories (up to 12 pages):
- Research papers (e.g., empirical, qualitative, quantitative, theory building, research methods, comparative studies, transferability of methods and results from other disciplines)
- Best practice papers, country reports, experience reports
- Short Papers, divided into two subcategories (up to 8 pages)
- Position/discussion papers
- Work in progress
- Poster proposals (2-4 pages)
- Workshop, panel and symposium proposals (2-4 pages)
- Media festival proposals in two sub-categories:
- photos
- videos
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee, accepted contributions will be presented in the form of a poster or an oral presentation on the submitted proposal. Selected 40% of the accepted full papers will be invited for publishing in an edited volume by Springer, Future Education and Learning Spaces series (indexed by Scopus, see In addition, the selected best 6-8 papers will be published in the ICEM journal Education Media International (Taylor & Francis Q1 journal, impact factor: 1,8).
All abstracts and full papers proposals must be submitted through the EasyChair platform using authors guidelines for Springer conference proceedings in computer science.
Important dates:
- May 3: submission deadline for all types of contributions
- June 7: notification of acceptance
- July 15: submission of camera-ready papers
- July 22: early-bird registration to conference
- September 25 – 27: conference in Salamanca
- December 2024: publishing the post-conference proceedings