The Call for Papers ended on June 29, 2023.
Proposals in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, written in English, are invited for presentation during the ICEM 2023 Conference.
The ICEM2023 conference will take place face-to-face in the Riverside Majestic Hotel in Kuching. However, if it is difficult for some presenters to cover the costs of long-distance travel, we provide an alternative option to make a virtual presentation via Zoom

Submission link:
Abstract registration deadline: June 29, 2023
Submission deadline: June 29, 2023
The ICEM 2023 Conference aims to be a place for sharing and discussing practices, projects and research on pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, with the following objectives:
- Disseminate practices and innovation projects related to educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
- Contribute to the reflection on curricular flexibility, autonomy and pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
- Promote critical reflection about educational strategies oriented towards interdisciplinarity in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
- Understand the potential of digital tools and innovative educational environments for the development of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning.
The conference is aimed at masters and doctoral students, educators, teachers, trainers, researchers and other professionals interested in this theme.
There are six different submission categories for the ICEM 2023 conference:
- Full Papers, divided into two subcategories (up to 12 pages):
- Research papers (e.g., empirical, qualitative, quantitative, theory building, research methods, comparative studies, transferability of methods and results from other disciplines)
- Best practice papers, country reports, experience reports
- Short Papers, divided into two subcategories (up to 8 pages)
- Position/discussion papers
- Work in progress
- Poster proposals (2-4 pages)
- Extended abstract (1-2 pages)
- Workshop, panel and symposium proposals (2-4 pages)
- Media festival proposals in two sub-categories:
- photos
- videos
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee, accepted contributions will be presented in the form of a poster or an oral presentation on the submitted proposal. Selected 40% of the accepted full papers will be invited for publishing in Springer AICT volume (indexed by Scopus).
All abstracts and full papers proposals must be submitted through the EasyChair platform using authors guidelines for Springer conference proceedings in computer science.
Important dates:
- June 29: submission deadline for all types of contributions
- July 15: notification of acceptance
- August 10: submission of camera-ready papers
- August 10: early-bird registration to conference
- September 10 – 13: conference in Kuching
- January 2024: publishing the post-conference proceedings
Submission link: