Maria José LOUREIRO, Ph.D., is a full-time professor in mobility at the ICT Competence Center at the University of Aveiro, (Portugal) which is part of the Team of Resources and Educational Technology of the Portuguese Ministry of Education. She is a teacher’s trainer and member of several international projects and research teams in the fields of Digital Education. Her research interests are related to computer-mediated interaction and argumentation, online and academic writing, online/distance learning and teaching, computational thinking and tangible robotics, communities of practice, and integration of digital technology in teaching/training. For more than 20 years she was a secondary teacher of French and Portuguese and pre-service teachers’ supervisor. She also was an invited assistant in superior education.

“ICEM is great. Being part of this international group and having the possibility of exchanging ideas and experiences with so many different people, coming from all points on the globe, gives me the impression of being a person who belongs to a big world, with plenty of interesting topics to discover about education and the latest technological trends that create innovation in learning. I love our multicultural family.”